4 Trending Innovations In Dental Tech You Should Know About 

By now, most people would have heard about how technology is changing the face of medicine and the healthcare industry. As the relationship between technology and healthcare blossoms, it is not just our physical health that is benefiting from technological changes but so is our dental health. Technology is not just transforming the range of dental options patients now have but it is also changing the face of your dentist’s office and the way dentists are operating. In 2020, the world was introduced to the first self brushing toothbrush. For dentists and their patients, the increasing innovation in dental technology can lead to quicker and more accurate diagnoses, improved delivery of care, and a reduction in barriers for nervous patients.

Virtual Reality Being Explored As An Answer To Dental Anxiety

Dental fear is not uncommon amongst today’s patients. According to estimates, 36 percent of the population experienced dental dear or anxiety. In another report by DentaVox, more than 60 percent of people experience dental anxiety. Until now, the use of local anesthetics in dental procedures has remained the go-to solution for nervous dental patients.

However, the introduction of virtual reality tools has begun to be used to help patients relax. In a study by Cedar Sinai, dental patients using virtual reality said they experienced less perceived pain. Virtual reality technology is also being used to train dental professionals. Research also found that 84 percent of professionals or those in training found simulation training very helpful. As a potential educational tool in dentistry, it gives students the chance to experience rare scenarios with a realistic real representation of anatomical structures.

Teledentistry Means There Is No Longer An Excuse To Miss Your Dental Checkup

In the last few years, remote dental consultations have become the norm. Typically done by video, teledentistry has driven down the number of patients who have returned to in-office visits. More than half of dental offices have reported lower patient numbers since before the pandemic struck, according to the ADA’s Health Policy Institute. While the adoption of teledentistry was largely driven by necessity in recent years, dentists are looking to keep virtual patient visits as a part of their hybrid approach. The use of teledentistry has in cases, improved access to dental care in the U.S.- particularly among the senior population.

The Use Of Dental Lasers In Dental Offices Amps Up

More dental service providers are also adopting the use of laser dentistry in their practices to minimize disruption from dental procedures. Soft tissue lasers are already being used in minor gum surgery and as of January 2022, Biolase Inc reported an increase in revenues from its fourth-quarter in 2021. For corrective surgery to reposition your mandible or other parts, hard tissue dental lasers can minimize the pain felt after, bruising, and nerve damage.

3D Printing Removes Long Wait Times And Introduces Personalized Patient Care

The use of 3 D printing is not necessarily a new technology trend in the dental field. By the end of 2025, the 3D printing market will surpass $930 million by 2025. Each patient’s dental outline is unique and ever-changing as they move through the stages of their dental treatment. The need to have a person’s braces or dentures custom-made means patients are often waiting weeks for their dental treatment. However, with the help of 3D printing dentists can now use an intra-oral scanner to take teeth impressions. It can then be printed in the dentist’s office on the same visit instead of having to wait 6 weeks.

The technological revolution in the dental industry is far from over. With breakthroughs being announced each day, technology’s role in changing the dental landscape cannot be overlooked.

Author:Jennifer Henry

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