“Adopt a cow” remotely: online is boom of requests

adopt cow online

A cooperative in the province of Belluno has launched the online service “Adopt a cow”: you pay a fixed contribution and every month you receive butter and cheese at home.

It takes ingenuity, resourcefulness and a good dose of creativity to start again after the Coronavirus. The members of Cooperativa Peralta, a group of cow breeders in the province of Belluno in Veneto (Italy), are well aware of this. Throughout the lockdown, the breeders have incurred very heavy expenses to take care of the animals and now they need financial support to start again. Hence the idea of launching an online “long distance adoption” service. Through a dedicated website, every Internet user can adopt a cow from the Cooperative’s breeders and receive in return what the adoptive animal produces: butter and delicious dairy products. “By adopting one of our cows – you can read on the website of the Cooperative Peralta – you will help us to continue our activity in this beautiful but difficult territory, with your adoption we will be able to continue to take care of her in the best possible way, to give her only high quality food and we will be able to continue to produce our delicious dairy products”.

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Adopt a cow at a distance

Adopting (remotely) a cow is quick and easy: just go to www.adottaunamuccacostalta.it and choose the option that best suits your needs. The Peralba Cooperative allows you to adopt a cow for 1 month (at a cost of 39 euros), 6 months (219 euros) or 1 year (409 euros). Each package guarantees a monthly supply of “half a kilo of butter, the yellow one you can’t find anymore, the artisan one to understand us. One kilogram of Dairy Cheese, more or less seasoned, depending on when you adopt your cow and a very good one kilo cheese produced and branded by the Cooperativa Peralba Costalta”. Always online, you can choose the cow to adopt by browsing through a photogallery until you find “the one you like the most, that you like the most, or that simply strikes you more than the others”. The “Adopt a Cow” service was launched a few days ago and was immediately a huge success. The cooperative has been flooded with thousands of requests and for this month all the cows on the farm have already been adopted. “But we’re starting again next month” the farmers guarantee. 

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