Cancer treatment within a year? This is stated by an Israelian company

It is called MuTaTo, or “polyvalent toxin” and is the cure against cancer that within a year the pharmaceutical company, AEBI (Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd) claims to find.

Dr. Ilad Morad, CEO of the company, has spread the news through the newspaper The Jerusalem Post, together with the president Dan Aridor.
MuTaTo will function as an antibiotic, the treatment uses a combination of several peptides, chemical compounds consisting of chains of amino acids, which will attack cancer cells, safeguarding the treatment from the effects of a mutation.

At present, treatment has been applied to counteract the growth of cancer cells in mice, without causing any side effects. Scientists of Istrael will advance with a series of in vitro tests to begin clinical trials so that in the coming years, the therapy can be launched on the market.

Here are some of the words of the president for the newspaper – “We think we can offer a complete cure for cancer within a year. “Our treatment will be effective from day one, will last a few weeks, will have little or no side effects and will be much cheaper than other treatments on the market. Our solution will be both generic and personal.

Although the news expresses positivity and may become a fundamental discovery for the human being, it has also raised many doubts among the many scholars in the world involved in cancer research, especially on the effectiveness of MuTaTo in operating on all types of cancer.
Just consider the fact that there are more than 200 different types of cancer and, within these, many other subtypes and the existence of a cure that can be valid for all, is doubtful.

Although AEBI’s statements are positive, to establish whether MuTaTo treatment is reliable or not, you have to wait for the tests to take their course and be applied mainly on humans, to know the results.

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