DASS patents a method to exploit resources on Mars

The project registred by the Aerospace District of Sardinia allows to use the components present in the soil and air of Mars to build and generate edible biomass

After China, Europe, Japan, Russia and the USA, India has also approved the granting of the patent on the process to ensure the survival of human missions on Mars. The patent, owned by the Aerospace District of Sardinia (DASS), provides for the use of the resources available on the red planet, such as the soil and its components, and the carbon dioxide of which the Martian atmosphere is almost completely constituted. The process allows to obtain oxygen, fertilizers, propellant and edible biomass.

The patented technology has been evaluated as extremely innovative by the competent offices and foresees numerous interconnected stages of high complexity. The process can be briefly described in two parts. The first step consists of chemical-physical transformations and produces compounds such as fertilizers. The second part involves biological processes and leads to the creation of edible biomass, also using microalgae.

DASS is proud of the obtained result“, said the CEO Giacomo Cao, “because it allows to increase the value of its patent assets in a strategic sector such as the development of new technologies for space exploration. The result incorporate NASA’s paradigm, i.e. it is based on in situ resources utilization so that a reduction of costs and increase dmission times may be achieved.”

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