Intelligent robots, the project of the Vallauri Institute

They are young and curious, brilliant minds and rich in ambition, are the students of the Higher Institute “G. Vallauri” of Fossano, in the province of Cuneo.

In this institute where we breathe Mechanics and technology, the students decided to undertake a project that allows them to put into practice the computer knowledge learned among the school desks and apply them to robotics.

The project called “Robotika“, provides for the Union of the forces of a team of 20 boys of three years, for the manual construction of Intelligent robots able to move in a specially equipped area, avoiding obstacles.

Hand-built robots, from bright students of the project, will initially be made with recovery material, Like the case of these models:

Draw Bot, a plotter produced by the mechanism of some CD players and a structure made with laser cutting, for the acquisition of an image, then drawn on a sheet, in less than a minute. (Matthew Peirone and Alessandro Russo)

Iseat, a monitoring system that detects the presence of the child on board the car. When the car is turned off, the monitoring system will emit an audible alarm and a notification on the smartphone to warn the child’s presence. (Razavn Apostol and Domenico Gioffè)

Frubi, a robot that explores The environment autonomously avoiding obstacles and detecting light sources. Made with a 3D printer and equipped with an Arduino board that handles the Movement. (Alessandro Russo and Matteo Peirone)

The perseverance of these students has led the school to position itself in ninth place in the famous European competition, Romecup, the first experience of challenge between automata in different disciplines: Soccer, Rescue and Explorer.

So much is the desire to grow and improve, so the school has collected funds through an initiative of crowdfounding proposed by Fastweb to finance the laboratory of Robotics with more sophisticated tools involving even more students.

Vallauri’s dream already well placed in the World of robotic competitions, now aims to the international territory.

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