Ottobot Yeti, the autonomous delivery robot

Unveiled at CES 2023 in Las Vegas is the latest addition to Ottonomy. It has an impressive load capacity, is fully autonomous and can work unattended.

Ottonomy IO, the Brooklyn, New York-based company already well known for its delivery robots, arrives at CES in Las Vegas with its new prototype: Ottobot Yeti.

A completely new drive, including holonomic movement, with four driving wheels, the Ottobot Yeti is a small loading platform capable of carrying out deliveries in full autonomy. Compared to other Ottonomy models, the Yeti features an intelligent automatic delivery mechanism, designed to eliminate the need for a person to be physically present when the package is delivered.

Once the destination has been set, the delivery robot will take care of the delivery of the material, depositing it in dedicated slots around the city: real goods storage lockers where the ordered products can be picked up by hand.

The US start-up called Yeti ‘the first fully autonomous unattended delivery robot on the market’.

In addition to the delivery function, the device is also able to perform the reverse option: Ottobot Yeti also offers the possibility of picking up unwanted goods, taking custody of the parcel and then delivering it to the warehouse, awaiting return.

The Yeti has two slots inside it for transporting the goods, which open autonomously depending on the delivery to be made, allowing the user to collect only his own goods. The robot also has an optional autonomous loading door, which allows the internal machinery to autonomously move a parcel from inside the hold to the ground or, if there is one, into the locker dedicated to receiving goods.


video source: OTTONOMI IO

Author: Alessandro Volpe

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