Overeating? The robot personal trainer takes care of it!

robot personal trainer

To get back in shape, we can rely on a personal trainer robot: it monitors fat mass, weight and heart rate during training

Withings Smart Body Analyzer is a smart scale that measures weight, fat mass and heart rate. The heart rate measurement is extremely accurate and is taken directly from the feet. This system is very convenient for those who suffer from heart conditions and want to keep an eye on their data without having to use a hundred different devices. In addition to monitoring biometric parameters, the software suggests how many calories to consume per day, when to exercise and where to train. By measuring the air temperature and the percentage of carbon dioxide, the Withings Smart Body Analyzer is able to identify the perfect area for training.

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Here comes the personal trainer robot

As well as cooking and weight control, robot helpers can also help with cleaning. Ecovacs’ Ozmo 950 is perfect for sweeping and mopping. The device differs from all others in its power and thoroughness: it can clean up to 100 square metres of floor space on a single charge and eliminate 99% of bacteria on the floor. The Ozmo 950 also has a WI-FI radar that can map the workplace: the householder can therefore decide which room or environment to clean and, if there are stairs, create virtual walls to prevent him from falling. The German company Future Shape has also developed a special ‘carpet robot’ to prevent falls. Called SensFloor, it detects movements and possible falls thanks to a sophisticated system of sensors and is designed for private homes, hospitals and nursing homes.

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