A “safety pod” to protect newborns from the coronavirus

The 30-year-old Chinese Bay Ying has built a special pod to protect his newborn son from coronavirus: it is equipped with an air filter and interactive monitor.

Where technology doesn’t arrive, a father’s love can arrive. This is the “moral” of the story of Bay Ying, a 30-year-old Chinese man who built a special pod to protect his newborn son from the coronavirus. The story comes from China and was also picked up by DailyMail. Bay’s wife gave birth to her son in the middle of the Covid-19 emergency. To protect the newborn baby from infection without causing respiratory problems, the new daddy designed and built a safety pod. Bay said he was inspired by BB Pod, the special “backpack” of the characters from the video game Death Stranding. The pod is very light and can be carried on the shoulder. It is equipped with a purifier that delivers filtered air and a sterile glove that allows the parent to touch the child without running the risk of infection. The pod also features an external monitor that detects and shows the air quality inside the particular “backpack”. Bay Ying’s invention has become very popular on YouTube and many parents have asked for advice on how to play it at home.

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China: the newborn pod against coronavirus

Cases of death or hospitalization in intensive care of patients aged 0 to 20 years are very rare. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted from the pregnant woman to the unborn child or from the lactating mother to the newborn child. The Higher Institute of Health has reported that “no trace of viral protein has ever been detected in the amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, colostrum or breast milk of a woman infected with SARS-CoV-2″. In any case, the ISS recommends pregnant or lactating women “to apply the normal hygiene measures recommended for the entire population (frequent hand washing with soap or alcohol solution, covering the mouth during coughing or sneezing)”. Pending further clinical studies, it is important to apply all the prevention and hygiene measures recommended by health authorities to newborn babies as well.

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