Dist-i: the smart bracelet that “protects” workers

Dist-i: the smart bracelet that "protects" workers

Dist-i is a smart wristband designed to protect workers’ safety in businesses and factories: the device alerts users and reminds them to stand back

Create an “invisible shield” for workers and women workers in factories all over the world. It is not a science fiction movie but the goal of Dist-i, a smart bracelet designed by an Italian start-up in collaboration with RD VISION INTERNATIONAL LTD and Medici Automazioni Srl. Dist-i is able to detect the presence of other devices within a radius of 5 meters (both indoor and outdoor). In case two or more wristbands are detected inside the “safety zone” (programmable), the device will start to sound and vibrate “intimating” users to distance themselves. In addition to ensuring social distancing, Dist-i can also be useful to rebuild a possible infection chain. In fact, the device stores interactions and contact duration without tracking the position, in a way that complies with GDPR regulations.

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Dist-i: the smart bracelet for workers

The innovative element of Dist-i is that the device does not need software, internet connection or repeaters. “Dist-i is a very easy to use smart band that scientifically calculates the distance between people wearing it and warns them whenever they are getting too close, all without the need for other devices”, explains Paolo Ingrassia, one of the founders of the start-up that designed the device. “We wanted to implement simplicity also in the way of purchase: in a completely innovative way for the B2B sector, it is possible for entrepreneurs and professionals to buy Dist-i on our site dist-i.com. Moreover, not needing installation on site, we are able to send it to the customer in complete security, configuring it remotely”.

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