Houses in 24 hours at 4euro? Yes, with 3D printing
Machines and software of the last generation, few clicks and in a few days, if not hours, we can have before our eyes the house of our dreams.
Machines and software of the last generation, few clicks and in a few days, if not hours, we can have before our eyes the house of our dreams.
The Italy-China axis begins to give the first fruits, and it does so thanks to a revolutionary electric car project completely created by a 3D printer. We talk about the ...
From Mercogliano the creative team able to create accessories and controllers for the customizable SimRacing for people with disabilities. To be able to participate in a rally race also a ...
David Berardo posted on Twitter a video of a physics experiment calculating the speed of light using a microwave and a piece of chocolate.
The first pizza vending machine has been installed in Rome: in just three minutes, it can churn out a pizza with four different toppings
Health from perspective of the world health organization: the science and the technique of preventing, presenting medical services for immediate diagnosis, treatment and growth in solving problems. Safety is one ...
Pizzeria chain Domino's has developed a delivery service with self-driving robots that deliver pizza directly to the customer's home.
Chef Valerio Braschi has created distilled carbonara: a shot of liquid as clear as water but with all the flavour of Rome's best-loved pasta dish.
Last week's most read news selected by the editors: Clou Box, Arianna ths smart vase and the digital video sold for 6 billion by Christie's
Four engineers from the Milan Polytechnic have designed Arianna, a "smart" vessel that measures air quality and detects particulate matter
The Patent ® Newspaper registered at the court of Salerno with n.42019. Editor-in-Chief Giovanni Sapere | Copyright 2019 © Creatiwa Studio S.r.l. Publisher | All rights reserved | For advertising: Creatiwa Studio Sr.l. Head office Via privata del Gonfalone 3, 20123 Milan | Registered office: Via Scavate Casse Rosse snc – 84131 Salerno | Tax code, VAT no. 05675660657 Registration with the Register of Companies of Salerno REA SA – 465001
2017 – 2025 The Patent ™ Director Giovanni Sapere
The Patent ® Newspaper registered at the court of Salerno with n.42019. Editor-in-Chief Giovanni Sapere | Copyright 2019 © Creatiwa Studio S.r.l. Publisher | All rights reserved | For advertising: Creatiwa Studio Sr.l. Head office Via privata del Gonfalone 3, 20123 Milan | Registered office: Via Scavate Casse Rosse snc – 84131 Salerno | Tax code, VAT no. 05675660657 Registration with the Register of Companies of Salerno REA SA – 465001