Two designers from Berlin have created an imaginative alternative to masks: iSphere is an inflatable plastic sphere designed especially for the Coronavirus emergency.
An inflatable sphere to “wear” around the head instead of masks. This is the extravagant idea of Marco Canevacci and Yena Young, aka Dr. Trouble & Ms. Bubble – the two designers from Berlin who invented iSphere. The idea is paradoxical and deliberately provocative but it still caught the attention of the social network people. On the website dedicated to the project, the two designers say: “Protect yourself from the Coronavirus with a design reminiscent of the science fiction comics of the 50s and the creations of the utopian movements of the 60s. The iSphere is a fun and serious object that stimulates how to deal with this exceptional situation”. This is not the first time that Marco Canevacci and Yena Young propose extravagant solutions for common problems: a few months ago, they had designed inflatable modules for the safety of medical staff on wards with Covid-19 patients.

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iSphere: the alternative to the masks of two designers
The iSphere project was created to raise public awareness on the issue of social distancing and contagion prevention. “The Coronavirus – said the designer Marco Canevacci – is changing our personal relationships and influencing our perception of reality. It is a very democratic virus: it spreads across borders, it has no preferences for gender, social, cultural or economic status. In this blocked period, we ask ourselves about the mutation of our social life and the effects of the deprivation of physical touch”. iSphere is designed to protect the nose and mouth especially on public transport. “iSphere is an open source project. Everyone can produce, develop and improve it. We tied together 2 empty transparent plastic hemispheres cut a hole suitable for our heads. The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes. The cost for the material was about 20 euros. A layer of mirror, a sunshade, a microphone, a loudspeaker, a fan or a mouthpiece are some of the additional gadgets to give a unique touch to the various iSphere”.