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Although health problems are historically underestimated, it is estimated that 360 million people suffer from a form of hearing loss (over 5 of the world’s population) around the world. In fact, it is classified as the third biggest health problem after heart disease and arthritis. Many people will suffer a certain degree of hearing loss throughout their lives, although they are often not detected until a person gets older. Hearing loss has been associated with a number of problems, such as chronic depression. It has also been shown that it is correlated with a lower gain potential.
On the contrary, several studies have shown that hearing loss treatments can significantly improve the quality of life and can significantly mitigate brain degeneration. Although the benefits of hearing aids are clear, the adoption of hearing aids has remained flat for many years due to high prices and only recently overturned regulation requiring people to obtain a hearing examination from a Professional before getting a prescription to buy one.
In addition to convenience, the value proposition of Eargo, a health technology company is based on 4 specific elements.
A Difference of the traditional hearing aids that are bulky and clearly visible, the solutions of Eargo are discreetly adapted to the auditory canal of a person, almost impossible to detect by others. Comfortable thanks to the use of the Flexi Fibers, which seem to “float” in the ear canal (although they remain firmly in place and can hardly move during light or moderate exercise). Thirdly, they claim to offer a genuinely natural sound, as they amplify only the high-frequency sounds. Finally, Eargo hearing aids are rechargeable, avoiding the cost of expensive and specialised spare batteries (which may contain $50 or more for some traditional hearing aids). In addition, Eargo hearing aids are shipped in a convenient USB-powered hard case that charges hearing aids when not in use. As an additional bonus, the Eargo charging case is portable, so hearing aids can be loaded on the road. Its rechargeable internal battery has a charge for about a week while charging Eargo aids every day. Eargo hearing aids are designed to last throughout the day with a single charge.
Source: Forbes