The device is equipped with two removable and washable filters and transmits all data about the air quality of the room to a smartphone app
Health gadgets are increasingly affected by technological advancement. Many new homes are already designed for IoT, the internet of things, i.e. increasingly connected and intelligent electronic systems. Important leading companies in the sector are flanked by small manufacturers in the production of advanced devices that can respond to any type of need. Among all of them, today we talk about Eteria, an air purifier. Eteria is a new device that purifies the air in a room and communicates with extreme precision the data to the user.
Eteria is composed of two different devices, the purifying unit and the control module. The two are connected through a system of magnets. The control module contains three advanced sensors that record temperature and humidity accurately. The purifying unit contains two filters that remove biological contaminants, smoke and harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the intake air. The two filters are reusable and easy to clean and reduce the environmental impact of the purifier.

Eteria reports all the data to a dedicated app, through which we can monitor the air quality in our home. In addition, the purifier also works with amazon alexa voice assistants and Google assistent. The device has been presented on the crowdfunding kickstarter platform and has already reached the minimum target set by the manufacturers. The reduced price and the refined design make Eteria an interesting and affordable product if we want to improve our quality of life in the home.
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